Festival Branding | Jason Malmberg. Design. Direction. California. https://jason-malmberg.com The Graphic Design of Jason Malmberg Mon, 15 Apr 2024 00:15:41 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://jason-malmberg.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/cropped-Asset-3-32x32.png Festival Branding | Jason Malmberg. Design. Direction. California. https://jason-malmberg.com 32 32 Same Same But Different Festival 2023 https://jason-malmberg.com/project/same-same-but-different-festival-2023/ Sun, 24 Sep 2023 18:15:21 +0000 https://jason-malmberg.com/?post_type=project&p=987509228 The post Same Same But Different Festival 2023 appeared first on Jason Malmberg. Design. Direction. California..

Psychedelic Illustration of Lake Perris, Callifornia by Jason Malmberg for Same Same But Different Festival 2023

Same Same But Different Festival 2023

Defining and refining the brand

I did the poster design and some social and motion assets for 2022’s Same Same But Different festival in Southern California on Lake Perris (you can see my work from that year here) and the promoters liked the work so much they asked me to return for the 2023 fest, but this time in an expanded role. A common factor with most music festivals is how they often start off with a less disciplined brand system, usually defined and then refined after the fest has had a few years to get up and running. During those first few years there can be a few too many variations in color, type, texture, etc. present and SSBD wanted the 2023 iteration of the event to have a more structured brand system and they wanted me to be part of creating that look.

Redesigning the logo

The mark they had from the beginning through 2022 was nice but to my taste felt a touch too indebted to 00s blog house culture and the aesthetics of the time. I sought to take what was strong about the mark and shake off the early-millenial design nods to give us a sleeker, more streamlined mark that updated the vibe of the event visually.

Use the slider below to compare the pre-2023 logo with the current updated version…

You can see how the new mark plays with the new illustration I made of Lake Perris in the static and motion lineup announcement posters below…

Setting the scene

The best festivals present their location as part of their appeal. Would Coachella feel the same in Ohio? Would Lollapalooza lose its allure if you took it away from the Chicago lakeshore? Location very much contributes to a festival’s vibe and SSBD’s location on Lake Perris is no exception. It’s a beach party, it’s campign, it’s remote enough to be a destination but not so remote that you feel cut off from civilization. It also has enough of a techno-hippie allure to provide the perfect backdrop for the genre-mixing sounds on the lineup. When creting the artworrk (for both 2022 and 2023) I really wanted to present that setting but in its most heightened form. Hyperreal if you will. This should feel warm and inviting but also with a touch of psychedelic vision quest to it. And since the weekend would offer plenty to do day and night, I knew I needed to present the sun, the moon, the stars, and all that. And since so many of the acts were at least somewhat footed in dancefloor culture, I crashed a disco mirrorball into the sand of the lakeshore to signal to the uninitiated that there would be plenty of beats throuhgout the weekend.

California's Lake Perris
Same Same But Different Festival poster 2023 without lineup designed by Jason Malmberg
SSBD Fest 2023 Poster featuring the festival lineup over a psychedelic illustration of Lake Perris, California by Jason Malmberg

And of course we then articulated this new look through all manner of social assets, maps, wayfinders, etc…

Design • Design • Design •
Art + Creative Direction • Art + Creative Direction • Art + Creative Direction •
Illustration • Illustration • Illustration •
Strategy • Strategy • Strategy •

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Coastal Country Jam ’23 https://jason-malmberg.com/project/coastal-country-jam-23/ Sat, 12 Aug 2023 00:19:00 +0000 https://jason-malmberg.com/?post_type=project&p=987509020 Poster and branding for 2024's Coastal Country Jam, headlined by Blake Shelton and Tim McGra in its new location in Long Beach after moving north from Huntington Beach.

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Coastal Country Jam ’23

The industry comes roaring back

In winter 2019/20 I was working on art for several music festivals (nearly all festivals are planned several months in advance as they end up impacting many artists’ touring plans for the years they occur in. Of course then (motions around) things changed. Spring dates shifted optimistically to early summer, then late summer, then autumn before being ultimately shelved. A trend that would stick around for a year or two. Since Covid first hit in 2020 there have been multiple false starts and plans that never made it past the initial planning stages. 2023 felt like things were finally geting back to normal. That year I would do four music festivals just in the first four months of the year.

I was thrilled when Activated Events asked me to help them rebrand their long-running Coastal Country Jam festival, which would be returning in 2023 but in a very different location than its original stomping grounds in Huntington Beach. The festival was moving north. To Long Beach. And that change of venue was going to inform the artwork.

Avoiding the usual “country/western” tropes

Sure, this was a country music festival but it was also a California country music festival. On the beach no less. The look would need to avoid all the usual trappings associated with country music. No boots, for instance. And it should at least nod to the California model of country. A bit more Eagles than Charlie Daniels Band. I set to work on a few different brand marks to see about presenting this specific vibe. And as I often do, I would start with color. What could bridge the gap in vibe here? Sand, sea, earth tones and honky tonks. All that. I put together a simple palette as my jumping off point. 

Color and type are often my way “in” on a project. Each carries its own language and tone into things that help light the path toward what the other elements will be. So next I’dd find some type that could live in that space between Country tradition and California attitude. I would mock up a couple basic logotypes.

early unused version of logotype for Coastal Country Jam '23 in Long Beach, designed by Jason Malmberg

The further along we got into the process the more we realized that the new location would be such a major change that it should be primary in the artwork. Almost like Long Beach itself was a headliner. So in the third mark above I began working notable Long Beach landmarks into the art. The Queen Mary, the Lions Lighthouse, the Gerald Desmond Bridge. All local landmarks that would feature in the eventual art, poster, and social assets were beginning to work their way in here. I even rough mocked up a version that leaned perhaps too heavily on SoCal beach vibes.  

This early concept was perhaps a bit too SoCal and not enough country.

Personally, I was kind of fond of that direction, but it was becoming clear during the process that the new location in Long Beach would need to be more overtly expressed in the design. It was about 15 miles to the north of its previous location in Huntington Beach but these were LA freeway miles and that might need to be part of the pitch to festivalgoers.  Visually, the skyline would be the star as the festival would be taking place on Long Beach’s scenic harbor shoreline at their recently revamped convention center. With that in mind, I reworked the concept to make Long Beach primary. But I still wanted this to have a flavor different than what one might get from a tourism photo. There should be a sense of fun, buoyancy and simplicity in the illustration style. But for right now we needed to get the logotype locked in. I was able to come up with a mix of vibes that was a little bit Pacific Waterfront and a little Country so that the two halves would complement each other. At last we had our mark…

Now to couch it in an inviting setting. Much like with my artwork for the California State Fair’s 50th anniversary, I felt the setting needed to be more of a vibe than a factual schematic. You should feel the amber of the setting sun and the warm Pacific breeeze as it colored the skyline, the sea, the setting. Employing an abstract, if minimal, style would allow a few larger-than-life liberties to be taken that would make the location feel welcoming and inviting. 

It was all beginning to come together. We had an iconic illustration for what would be an iconic setting for a fantastic weekend. I wanted that vibe to extend to the motion assets as well. Less of a kinetic assault and more of a pleasant sunbeam to bask in. “Inviting” again would be the watchword here. I wanted it to pleasantly coax you in.

And of course with our footing established and a look in place, we then articulated this out through a number of different assets 

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