Motion | Jason Malmberg. Design. Direction. California. The Graphic Design of Jason Malmberg Mon, 15 Apr 2024 02:10:30 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Motion | Jason Malmberg. Design. Direction. California. 32 32 Headcount – “Texas Votes” Thu, 11 Apr 2024 18:08:06 +0000 A project for voter-registration organization Headcount is a social mographic to help GOTV in Texas and showing the wide spectrum of diverse voices in Texas

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"Texas Votes" graphic designed by Jason Malmberg for Headcount, a voter registration organization

Headcount – “Texas Votes”

Expressing diversity of opinion efficiently

“Texas Votes” was the second project I worked on for the Headcount organiztion. Their mission is to GOTV with registration booths and swag at concerts, shows, and other musical events for young people.

In the final weeks of the 2020 election, I burnt the midnight (and 1am. And 2am…) oil writing, designing, illustrating and even animating a short-form music video for them called “Time to Vote” featuring the band Lawrence (read more about that here).

As demographics have shifted over time, every election cycle sees Texas moving closer to much-desired “swing state” status. I wanted a quick, simple, and most importantly graphic way to express this. Clearly, and with little nuance to cloud things. This would of course be a non-partisan graphic but I used multiple typefaces and a blue-to-red gradient fill to express the power in numbers we can often (understandbaly) forget that we possess. And that goes for both sides of the political fence.  

To put it into motion it needed to hit, make its point, drop a CTA and be gone in under 5 seconds. Almost like an act of visual punctuation…


Client: Headcount (Dallas/Fort Worth Division)
Year: 2020
Role: Creative/Art Direction, Design, Animation

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Headcount “Time to Vote” Thu, 11 Apr 2024 17:16:30 +0000 "Time to Vote" (featuring the song by Lawrence) was a music video designed, illustrated and animated by Jason Malmberg for Headcount in 2020 to help GOTV

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Headcount “Time to Vote”


Few years in history can be guaranteed to check the person hearing it with an instant, bracing feeling like 2020. In fact I even worked on a campaign about proper disposal of batteries that leveraged 2020 (and the popular notion of the “dumpster fire” ) and all that with great success just a couple years ago. 2020 had its issues, to say the least. 

“… a crucial time.”  

One of the fun things (of many) about desinging for the music industry is the mix of people you get to meet and work with.  Dallas / Fort Worth Headcount Team Leader Chris McDonald and I go way back, having met on the Coachella mesage board back when message boards were still a thing. Eventually he became a booker at Dallas’ Granada Theater which led to him tapping me to make posters for bands like Foals and Cut Copy over the years. With a crucial presidential election coming up in fall of 2020, I reached out with an idea I had: what if we found a band with a following but who hasnt quite blown up yet and got them to do a song about all the different ways one could vote that year. With the pandemic still in full swing, reching out in a fun way to young people about absentee ballots seemed like a fun project and (if nothing else) a great antidote to the cabin fever we’d all been experiencing for months. So Chris found up and coming band (though one might say they have since arrived) Lawrence to pen something that met the moment. They wrote and recorded “time to vote” and we were off to the races. I burrowwed into my affectation for the retro vibes of Milton Glaser and Schoolhouse Rock and in just an hour or two shy of two weeks had written, designed, illustrated, animated, and edited the video you are about to see…

"To work with Malmberg is to work with true greatness. His gig poster designs over the years have sent chills down my spine and caused my cheekbones to be flush with excitement. The "Time To Vote" animated video he created for Headcount during the 2020 election was a fun and entertaining piece of content that came at a crucial time."

— Chris McDonald, Dallas / Fort Worth Headcount Team Leader

Client: Headcount (Dallas / Fort Worth Office)
Year: 2020
Role: Creative/Art Direction, Design, Illustration, Animation, Editing

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SacGreenTeam “Binfluencers” Sun, 12 Nov 2023 18:40:12 +0000 The post SacGreenTeam “Binfluencers” appeared first on Jason Malmberg. Design. Direction. California..


SacGreenTeam “Binfluencers”

Behavior change doesn’t have to feel like a chore

Waste disposal and the proper sorting of it. Organics, recyclables, hazzardous and bulky waste. There are so many rules that its natural that option fatigue would make someone throw their hands up at it all. And while proper waste disposal is certainly an inevitable responsiibility, there’s no reason it needs to feel like the chore that it is. On top of this, a good habit is one you start early on. I remember as a kid, Captain Planet having a pretty pronounced effect on my generation. Maybe there was a way to put some of that fresh energy to use for Sacramento’s SacGreenTeam, an arm of Sacramento County’s waste disposal service aimed at promoting sensible environmental stewardship at the household level. 

Meet the “Bin fluencers”  

Yeah, its a goofy pun, but I wanted something with a little “bounce” to it since I’d be designing the characters in an almost primary color, school workbook vibe in the best tradition of far better illustrators like Milton Glaser. The Binfluencers would be color-coded to their specific type of waste and be drawn as simple vector illustrations in extreme, towering perspective and funky, bold proportions. And each would be so proud of their positive behavior they pulled out their phones to record the moment.

The other great thing about this approach is that Lottie animations for web were fast becoming a way to deliver high quality, infinitely-scalable animations across a number of channels and device types. The Binfluencers were made for this moment. And they exist everywhere from various social channels (where we saw engagement far beyond what you’d normally expect for a sanitation service) to the Recycle Reboot website where we offered practical tips for conscientious waste reduction and disposal to more commonplace assets like home mailers and fun swag like stickers and coloring pages for kids to help keep them engaged with proper waste handling. 

And using the fun visual language of color-coded illustrations made them universal in a way that really helped when translating their message across the myriad languages present in the Sacramento area. From Spanish to Tagalog, these simple characters reached across cultural differences and really reached people. We used local language translation and education service Language World to help make these characters resonate with an international flavor…

The above scenes were animated by Sacramento’s Noble Creative Collective, who also valiantly handled post on the full spot, seen below…

In fact, they really added something to even the most utilitarian spots on municipal waste and I think that spark of life is really what helped move the needle in some pretty substantial ways for the client.

Resulting in…


Organic recycling growth


Increased awareness for SacGreenTeam

(Sacramento County Recycling Department figures)

Client: SacGreenTeam (Sacramento County)
Year: 2020-2023
Role: Creative/Art Direction, Design, Illustration
Agency: 3fold

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Nevada County Transit Rebrand Mon, 30 Oct 2023 23:12:57 +0000 The post Nevada County Transit Rebrand appeared first on Jason Malmberg. Design. Direction. California..


Nevada County Transit Rebrand

The Before Times

In January of 2020 (right before…well…you know) we were all still firmly footed in what some call “the before times.”  My copywriter and at-the-time conceptual partner Jenna Lazzarone (cracking good copywriter, should you be in the market for one) were working at Sacramento’s 3fold agency, and we had been tasked with a full rebrand Nevada County Transit, a rapid transit system servicing the Northeastern California area including Grass Valley. With our mission in place, we of set off north to the Grass Valley area to research what was working about the brand, what could be improved upon, and how we could find a new way to present Nevada County Transit as a brand.   

A Break with the Tropes of the Past  

At the time, the transit system up in Nevada County was beholden to some well-worn brand elements devoted to the area’s history as a gold rush boomtown. 

Jason_malmberg_designer_california Gold country stage logo.

The original name and logo for Nevada County's transit line.

Dubbed the Gold Country Stage, it was a sturdy brand that had over time simply not grown alongside the region. It felt more aligned with mid-20th century tourism vibes than the sophisticated and arty town it had since grown in to. Further, the public in the area didnt really have much of a solid perception for what the transit line even was or how it could fit into their lives and lifestyles. 

Simplification was Key  

In interviewing locals about the service, one thing came up more often than anything else: its current map was unwieldy and too hard to parse at a glance. In looking at it you could see why. It’s a classic example of a map that’s trying to say too many things, to express every bend in the road, every detail for miles. What if we took the example of large metropolitan subway lines and worked from there? This would also give us a way to streamline not just the logo but the name itself.  

Exit Gold Country Stage, Enter: Nevada County Connects.

Making the Brand About Connection, Destination and Lifestyle   

I wanted to focus on Nevada County Transit as a consumer brand, since that was the way the public would be interacting with it. What does it feel like? How does it make you feel? What does it do for you? In a city full of brewpubs and art galleries and interesting restaurants, how will it fit in between the rider and those points.  The destination point itself would become an important piece of the logo mark, and we would articulate that out through the brand materials, posters, flyers, fare cards, shelters, and even the fleet itself. 

My goal with the “connects” logo was to tap into riders’ sense of adventure. For that reason, the end of the ”S” pushes off infinitely, giving a sense of an open-ended road with limitless possibilities. This is a concept that was articulated throughout print and environmental materials, as well as on the fleet itself. 

Jason_malmberg_designer_california Nevada county connects you to your local neighborhood adventures.

A series of posters touting all the ways Nevada County Connects could fit into your lifestyle living in the region.

Jason_malmberg_designer_california A drawing of a bus with different colors on it.

The wrap design for NCC's electric bus fleet.

A sleek “supergraphics” style brand extends to the service map itself

We had our mark and a way to articulate it thoughout the brand system, but we needed to remember that one of the original problems we were hired to solve was the map itself. Fortunately, I had a fantastic designer to turn loose on it. Maria “Masha” Ratinova was my graphic designer at 3fold and being a native of Moscow originally, she knew her way around sprawling transit maps. She would take it on like it was the transit map for a large cosmopolitan metropolis, with all the minimalism and simplification that comes with it. Her system map was truly a thing of beauty. 

Jason_malmberg_designer_california Bus schedules and routes poster.

The system map comes alive

Masha’s terrific work on the map itself cant help but feel like a moving thing, even as a static asset. But she went a step further, tossed it into After Effects and really made it come to life in sprawling motion. We used it on several motion assets across every social channel.

Client: Nevada County Transit
Agency: 3fold
Year: 2020
Role: Creative Director / Designer

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Same Same But Different Festival 2023 Sun, 24 Sep 2023 18:15:21 +0000 The post Same Same But Different Festival 2023 appeared first on Jason Malmberg. Design. Direction. California..

Psychedelic Illustration of Lake Perris, Callifornia by Jason Malmberg for Same Same But Different Festival 2023

Same Same But Different Festival 2023

Defining and refining the brand

I did the poster design and some social and motion assets for 2022’s Same Same But Different festival in Southern California on Lake Perris (you can see my work from that year here) and the promoters liked the work so much they asked me to return for the 2023 fest, but this time in an expanded role. A common factor with most music festivals is how they often start off with a less disciplined brand system, usually defined and then refined after the fest has had a few years to get up and running. During those first few years there can be a few too many variations in color, type, texture, etc. present and SSBD wanted the 2023 iteration of the event to have a more structured brand system and they wanted me to be part of creating that look.

Redesigning the logo

The mark they had from the beginning through 2022 was nice but to my taste felt a touch too indebted to 00s blog house culture and the aesthetics of the time. I sought to take what was strong about the mark and shake off the early-millenial design nods to give us a sleeker, more streamlined mark that updated the vibe of the event visually.

Use the slider below to compare the pre-2023 logo with the current updated version…

You can see how the new mark plays with the new illustration I made of Lake Perris in the static and motion lineup announcement posters below…

Setting the scene

The best festivals present their location as part of their appeal. Would Coachella feel the same in Ohio? Would Lollapalooza lose its allure if you took it away from the Chicago lakeshore? Location very much contributes to a festival’s vibe and SSBD’s location on Lake Perris is no exception. It’s a beach party, it’s campign, it’s remote enough to be a destination but not so remote that you feel cut off from civilization. It also has enough of a techno-hippie allure to provide the perfect backdrop for the genre-mixing sounds on the lineup. When creting the artworrk (for both 2022 and 2023) I really wanted to present that setting but in its most heightened form. Hyperreal if you will. This should feel warm and inviting but also with a touch of psychedelic vision quest to it. And since the weekend would offer plenty to do day and night, I knew I needed to present the sun, the moon, the stars, and all that. And since so many of the acts were at least somewhat footed in dancefloor culture, I crashed a disco mirrorball into the sand of the lakeshore to signal to the uninitiated that there would be plenty of beats throuhgout the weekend.

California's Lake Perris
Same Same But Different Festival poster 2023 without lineup designed by Jason Malmberg
SSBD Fest 2023 Poster featuring the festival lineup over a psychedelic illustration of Lake Perris, California by Jason Malmberg

And of course we then articulated this new look through all manner of social assets, maps, wayfinders, etc…

Design • Design • Design •
Art + Creative Direction • Art + Creative Direction • Art + Creative Direction •
Illustration • Illustration • Illustration •
Strategy • Strategy • Strategy •

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Coastal Country Jam ’23 Sat, 12 Aug 2023 00:19:00 +0000 Poster and branding for 2024's Coastal Country Jam, headlined by Blake Shelton and Tim McGra in its new location in Long Beach after moving north from Huntington Beach.

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Coastal Country Jam ’23

The industry comes roaring back

In winter 2019/20 I was working on art for several music festivals (nearly all festivals are planned several months in advance as they end up impacting many artists’ touring plans for the years they occur in. Of course then (motions around) things changed. Spring dates shifted optimistically to early summer, then late summer, then autumn before being ultimately shelved. A trend that would stick around for a year or two. Since Covid first hit in 2020 there have been multiple false starts and plans that never made it past the initial planning stages. 2023 felt like things were finally geting back to normal. That year I would do four music festivals just in the first four months of the year.

I was thrilled when Activated Events asked me to help them rebrand their long-running Coastal Country Jam festival, which would be returning in 2023 but in a very different location than its original stomping grounds in Huntington Beach. The festival was moving north. To Long Beach. And that change of venue was going to inform the artwork.

Avoiding the usual “country/western” tropes

Sure, this was a country music festival but it was also a California country music festival. On the beach no less. The look would need to avoid all the usual trappings associated with country music. No boots, for instance. And it should at least nod to the California model of country. A bit more Eagles than Charlie Daniels Band. I set to work on a few different brand marks to see about presenting this specific vibe. And as I often do, I would start with color. What could bridge the gap in vibe here? Sand, sea, earth tones and honky tonks. All that. I put together a simple palette as my jumping off point. 

Color and type are often my way “in” on a project. Each carries its own language and tone into things that help light the path toward what the other elements will be. So next I’dd find some type that could live in that space between Country tradition and California attitude. I would mock up a couple basic logotypes.

early unused version of logotype for Coastal Country Jam '23 in Long Beach, designed by Jason Malmberg

The further along we got into the process the more we realized that the new location would be such a major change that it should be primary in the artwork. Almost like Long Beach itself was a headliner. So in the third mark above I began working notable Long Beach landmarks into the art. The Queen Mary, the Lions Lighthouse, the Gerald Desmond Bridge. All local landmarks that would feature in the eventual art, poster, and social assets were beginning to work their way in here. I even rough mocked up a version that leaned perhaps too heavily on SoCal beach vibes.  

This early concept was perhaps a bit too SoCal and not enough country.

Personally, I was kind of fond of that direction, but it was becoming clear during the process that the new location in Long Beach would need to be more overtly expressed in the design. It was about 15 miles to the north of its previous location in Huntington Beach but these were LA freeway miles and that might need to be part of the pitch to festivalgoers.  Visually, the skyline would be the star as the festival would be taking place on Long Beach’s scenic harbor shoreline at their recently revamped convention center. With that in mind, I reworked the concept to make Long Beach primary. But I still wanted this to have a flavor different than what one might get from a tourism photo. There should be a sense of fun, buoyancy and simplicity in the illustration style. But for right now we needed to get the logotype locked in. I was able to come up with a mix of vibes that was a little bit Pacific Waterfront and a little Country so that the two halves would complement each other. At last we had our mark…

Now to couch it in an inviting setting. Much like with my artwork for the California State Fair’s 50th anniversary, I felt the setting needed to be more of a vibe than a factual schematic. You should feel the amber of the setting sun and the warm Pacific breeeze as it colored the skyline, the sea, the setting. Employing an abstract, if minimal, style would allow a few larger-than-life liberties to be taken that would make the location feel welcoming and inviting. 

It was all beginning to come together. We had an iconic illustration for what would be an iconic setting for a fantastic weekend. I wanted that vibe to extend to the motion assets as well. Less of a kinetic assault and more of a pleasant sunbeam to bask in. “Inviting” again would be the watchword here. I wanted it to pleasantly coax you in.

And of course with our footing established and a look in place, we then articulated this out through a number of different assets 

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